New Graduate Services Job Seeker Support for Alumni in First Job Search

Graduating from Turing is a huge accomplishment! However, your Turing journey isn’t complete until you secure your first technical job, and our team is here to continue to support you!


The New Graduate Services Events Calendar provides information for upcoming group check-ins, guest speakers, and any additional events for job seekers.

Reading the Calendar
Events that are lead by Turing Staff or a Guest Speaker will be noted with 🎥. You can expect these sessions to be guided.

Events that are noted with 📆 are times that meant to be used for student collaboration in the New Grad Services Study Hall. The zoom information for that room is pinned to the #employment-round-one slack channel!


Want to Connect?

Schedule some career coaching time with Tracey Monteiro!

Keep an eye out for Jeff’s small group Job Coaching in #employment-round-one. These small groups are fantastic accelerators to your job hunt!

Mock Interviews

You can grab time with an alum to prepare for FE/BE technical and behavioral interviews and live coding challenges. You can grab a slot via OnceHub here.

Having trouble refining your cover letter?

Refer to these Turing Professional Development Resources on cover letters here

Receive an offer?

The Turing Career Specialists and Instructors are happy to help you navigate the offer and negotiations process - reach out to whoever you feel comfortable to. You can also check out these resources on negotiations

Signed an offer?

Please submit the two surveys below - we want to celebrate your accomplishment, and continue improving our processes!

Sending out a bunch of applications but not hearing anything back?

Check out these Applicant Tracking System Tips! and get insights on your resume by scanning it through


Turing provides a space for professional portfolios on our website. These portfolios can be used during your job hunt - you can send out links to your profile, and Turing staff may share your profile to employers who come to us asking for candidates. See the Terminal Directions Page for more information!

Other Resources

Check out a ton of helpful resources on our Resources page!

Have other questions? Reach out in #employment-round-one!