Mix It Up Networking

Structuring the Conversation

Mix It Up group conversations are 30 minutes long and will be led by a Mod 4 (or sometimes Mod 3) student. Here is a suggested structure for your group to follow when meeting.

Introductions (2-5 mins)

You’re in a mixed group of people across modules and programs. Start by getting to know each other and make space for everyone to share:

  • Names
  • Pronouns
  • Program
  • Cohort
  • How confident you feel about networking on a scale of 1-5

Mod 4 Student Leader(s) Share Their Experiences (8-10 mins)

The student lead chooses 1-2 of the following questions to respond to and share their experiences with the group:

  • How have you been successful with networking? Share a recent success and what steps you took that made it successful.
  • What is your process when it comes to networking?
  • What’s been challenging for you when it comes to networking? How are you working to overcome those challenges?
  • What advice do you have for others at Turing when it comes to networking?

Group Discussion (15 mins)

There are several components of networking that could be helpful to discuss as a group today. From the following topics, choose 1 as a group and try out the activities listed at the link below:

Close Out & Next Steps (5 mins)

Take time to wrap up any conversation threads! Decide how you’d like to continue the conversation (if you want) with each other beyond today’s discussion. Add each other on LinkedIn.

Activity Prompts

Choose one or more of the following to discuss as a group.

Finding the Right Person to Network With

You know you want to network, but you’re not sure who to reach out to.

Reflect on your current network

  1. Reflect on your current network by creating or updating this networking tracker using the first two tabs.
  2. Share with each other:
    • Who have you already done some networking with since you’ve started at Turing? What did you learn?
    • Who from this list could you network with? Have you shared that you’re changing careers to software? How would these contacts be helpful as you start this new career?

Expanding Your Network

Consider people you haven’t met yet, and use the 3rd tab here to track new contacts. For companies you are interested in, look at their LinkedIn page and find software developers you could connect with to ask questions about the company.

As a group, discuss:

  • What is your experience with cold outreach? How do you feel about it?
  • If someone you didn’t know reached out to you, what kind of message would make you feel inclined to talk with them? What would be a turn-off?
  • What are 1-2 best practices to keep in mind when doing cold outreach?
  • When you don’t know someone, how can you learn information about them before you reach out so that you know you’re reaching out to someone who can answer your questions?


A key component of networking is personalization, both in your initial message to someone and in how you conduct the conversation with them.

  • Mod 4 student lead can choose to discuss 1 of the following:
    • Share a recent message you have sent to a networking contact. Share what steps you took to do research into the contact, how you structured the message, and how you contacted them. What steps have you taken (or will you take) for the coffee chat/phone call?
    • Share a message you want to send and get feedback from the group on how to approach it. What steps will you take to prepare for the conversation?
  • Everyone in the group:
    • Research your contact using LinkedIn or their company website to learn more about their background and their work. Share what you’ve learned with each other – this information will inform your message.
    • Draft a message for a person you want to network with and share it with the group for feedback. Be prepared to share why you’re reaching out to this person, and if you don’t know, take that as a cue to do more research. Find emails through the tools on this page

Preparing for Phone Calls or Coffee Meetings

As you prepare for having a conversation with a contact, it’s important to be prepared.

  • Start by exploring some of these resources on your own (5 mins):
  • Share with the group (10 mins):
    • When you think about talking with someone from the industry, what do you most want to know?
    • What questions seem effective from the resources?
    • How can you word your question to get the information you need?

Blockers to Networking

What keeps you from reaching out to people in your network? Where are you getting stuck? As a group, use this time to acknowledge the blockers and discuss ways to problem-solve for them. Some ideas:

  • Create a concrete and timebound goal for networking, such as “I will reach out to 1 person by the end of this module.” Find an accountabilibuddy (maybe someone else in this group!) to help hold you accountable to that goal.
  • Start with someone you already know. This will feel less intimidating, and you will probably feel comfortable talking with them about your plans for your new career.