Employer Mock Interviews


Turing provides an opportunity in Week 3 of Mod 4 to have a mock interview with an employer partners. The people who volunteer to conduct these mock interviews come from a variety of backgrounds and skillsets, and they will ask behavoral and/or technial questions and provide immediate feedback.

The Setup

  • Volunteers will provide their availability for mock interviews
  • Using this calendar link pick one 30-minute time slot during Week 3
  • Volunteers will be notified when you select a time and that will prompt them to create a new event with a conference link
    • Note: Volunteers don’t always send a link. If you do not hear from your volunteer within 48 hours of selecting a time, reach out to them with resume attached to request a link.

When you select a spot, send an email like this to your mock interviewer:

Hello [Their Name], My name is [Your Name], and I am looking forward to our mock interview on [date, time]. I have attached my resume to this email. If you could provide me a link for the interview on the conferencing platform of your choice that would be great. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Mod 4 Career Specialists!