Module 3 Professional Development Learning Goals & Outcomes

We recognize that everyone starts their Turing journey at a different point in their career. While some students will focus on additional competencies based on their existing professional experience, below are the core competencies and outcomes for students’ professional development by the end of Mod 3.

Key Learning Goals

Core Competencies of Module 3:

  • Utilize community for support in job search
  • Continue utilizing mentor for job search support
  • Apply strategies to personal job search

Module 3 Outcomes

By the end of Module 3, we aim for students to achieve Level III readiness in Networking, Interviewing, Materials, and Job Search Strategies and Level II readiness in Negotiations.

(Note: SIAT = Student is able to)

Networking Level III:

  • SIAT identify contacts outside their immediate network from companies/industries that align with their interests
  • SIAT identify relevant contacts from companies with positions they want to pursue
  • SIAT research company and contact to come up with relevant questions for coffee meetings or job shadows
  • SIAT analyze takeaways from conversations to apply to own career goals and use in job application

Interviewing Level III:

  • SIAT analyze strengths and apply them to new contexts in their current work at Turing and how to achieve their career goals
  • SIAT describe their goals for their career and values that align with a specific company they plan to interview with
  • SIAT make connections between skills/mindsets from previous career to specific position/company they plan to interview with to describe why they are a good fit
  • SIAT provide relevant examples/utilize STAR in either interview prep or real interviews
  • SIAT demonstrate reflection on and improvement in interview responses
  • SIAT reflect on and describe their approach to problem-solving in whiteboarding/live coding sessions

Materials Level III:

  • SIAT describe why they are a good fit for a position based on job description using their identity, strengths, and values
  • SIAT create a revised resume that highlights technical skills, transferable skills, and career interests
  • SIAT create a final portfolio that showcases projects visually with descriptions that demonstrate their abilities and successes
  • SIAT write a cover letter tailored to a specific position at a specific company utilizing best practices for cover letter writing
  • SIAT update their LinkedIn profile with all necessary components and with meaningful connections in the industry

Job Search Strategies Level III:

  • SIAT describe all components of their job search strategy and how they work together
  • SIAT analyze job postings and company websites to identify alignment with interests and skills
  • SIAT describe how opportunities they decide to pursue match their career goals and interests
  • SIAT describe at least 3 companies/industries they are interested in pursuing
  • SIAT create and maintain a job search tracking system

Negotiations Level II:

  • SIAT understand general salary and job offer expectations at companies of interest
  • SIAT apply understanding of tech job offers to create their own salary goals for their new career using market rates for industry and Turing salaries history
  • SIAT describe what is and isn’t allowed regarding salary information in regions that they are interested in job searching
  • SIAT identify their own blockers in negotiations and strategize solutions