Mod 2 Week 5

Resume Review Workshop


  1. Status check (10 mins)
    • What do you feel good about with your resume?
    • What questions do you still have about making your resume effective?
    • What do you want to have completed by the end of today’s working session?
  2. Spend 20 minutes updating your your ATS-ready resume draft:
    • If you received specific feedback from ta staff member on how to improve it, start there.
    • Consider updating or adding in new projects to your draft.
    • If your ATS version of your resume is updated and ready to re-submit for PD, you could start on a “pretty” version using some of the templates and resources here.
  3. Use the remaining 20-30 minutes for feedback. Each person gets a chance to share their resume draft, and each person should provide feedback that is specific, actionable, and kind.


  • Update your resume draft using the feedback you got today.
  • Continue building your job search strategy using the resources from Week 3.