Module 1 Professional Development Learning Goals & Outcomes
We recognize that everyone starts their Turing journey at a different point in their career. While some students will focus on additional competencies based on their existing professional experience, below are the core competencies and outcomes for students’ professional development by the end of Mod 1.
Key Learning Goals
Core Competencies of Module 1:
- Build self-awareness around strengths and goals
- Build community through professional development
- Engage in networking at the Turing community level
- Establish sense of ownership over your professional development and job search
Module 1 Outcomes
By the end of Module 1, we aim for students to achieve Level I readiness in Networking, Materials, and Interviewing.
(Note: SIAT = Student is able to)
Networking Level I:
- SIAT describe their own needs in networking in regards to their identity
- SIAT formulate specific questions about the tech industry important to their experience and connect them to their career goals
- SIAT ask mentors (or other contact) questions about their jobs and career paths
- SIAT discuss career goals with mentor (or other contact) in at least 1 conversation
Interviewing Level I:
- SIAT describe how their identity influences their career goals
- SIAT describe their strengths from previous careers/experiences and in current work at Turing
- SIAT describe why they decided to pursue this career in basic terms (i.e., desire for career change, love of problem solving, etc.)
- SIAT reflect on and describe their approach to problem-solving in technical assessments
Materials Level I:
- SIAT understand what makes them a unique asset to the tech industry in order to highlight these aspects of their identity in your LinkedIn
- SIAT create a LinkedIn profile that includes:
- Professional-looking headshot
- Headline updated
- Summary statement
- Turing added
If a student has extenuating circumstances that preclude them from having a LinkedIn profile, the CD team will work with them on alternative options
Based on what you identified in the Module 1 Prework your specific outcome could look a little different.